Privacy and MAEUR

Your privacy is important to us! When you register at MAEUR, we ask you for some personal information that we need to make sure we can enrich your life as a marketer. Unless otherwise mentioned, your personal information will never be used outside the association or stored longer than is necessary.

As a member of MAEUR, you have the right to get insight into what personal information we store and why. For more information, please have a look at our privacy policy, which can be found here. If you have any questions about (your) privacy at MAEUR, please use the form below:

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Please fill in the following information:

This information is not required but will help us to quickly and effectively respond. Information from this form is not stored after the request has been dealt with.

Please write your inquiry or complaint in this field
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Please complete the expression to confirm you are not a robot, and use digits when answering.