A deep-dive into consultancy at Riverwise

  • A deep-dive into consultancy at Riverwise

    Sebastiaan Vonk

    On a sunny Friday afternoon at the end of April, Riverwise welcomed twelve MAEUR students to their office for an insightful and interactive consultancy training. Keep reading to find out what the afternoon looked like!


    The afternoon kicked off with a brief introduction by 3 representatives of Riverwise. They explained what Riverwise does, talked about some of their most important clients and about different tools to help you come up with the best proposition for a client. One of these tools was the so-called “(B)ehoefte, (B)elofte and (B)ewijs” -framework. Translated to English, this means “Need, Promise and Proof”. This framework involves multiple steps, which will be explained in the coming section. Firstly, Riverwise makes an analysis of what the client currently does and then splits their customers up into multiple customer segments. Then, per segment, Riverwise identifies what the most important need(s) is/are. Having identified these, it is then crucial to come up with a promise of how to best serve that need and explaining which practical implementations will do that (proof). The participants of the training then had to put this framework to good use during the practical case. 

    In groups of 4, everyone tackled the case of how the Dutch Chamber of Commerce can improve the way they offer their services to their users. Since Riverwise had actually worked on this case in real life a while ago, they could compare the solutions the groups proposed to the real-life situation. It was very nice to have interactive discussions with everyone about different aspects of the case. 

    After having finished the case, Riverwise presented the actual solution they came up with and how that will be implemented. The Day was rounded off with networking drinks. 

    A big thank you to Riverwise for having us!